【111-2 GHRM608】What Kind of Employees You Are? Does only one personality trait lead to a successful career path?

On Friday, February 24th, 2023, students of Human Resources Competency Development class (GHRM MBA), instructed by Professor Chen, Shyh-Jer and Professor Chang, Heidi, welcomed Pei Chun Liao from Fox Factory with a guest lecture on the topic of how DISC model, (D) dominance, (I) influence, (S) steadiness and (C) conscientiousness, helps in discovering work personalities. Ms. Liao is currently a Human Resource Business Partner at Fox Factory with her Bachelor’s degree from National Taiwan University and Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from National Sun Yat-sen University. Her expertise includes talent development and senior training development, and she has abundant HR experience in many companies throughout her career path.

Ms. Laio began her lecture with a warm-up activity in which participants told stories based on a piece of painting. The personalities of the individuals began to emerge during the warm-up game, which led to a question at the end of the game raised by Ms. Liao “Were you the one that asked others actively, or are you the one waiting to be asked? “. The question started the lecture off right. Ms. Liao grouped students based on the worksheet results and asked each group two questions, 1. What motivates you? 2. What puts you under pressure? Ms. Liao then gave feedback on answers from each group and explained why given the same questions, there were multiple answers in a group, whereas there was only one answer within a group.

The DISC model is categorized based on the level of cognition, perception, action, and observation. Ms. Liao highlighted that people with Steadiness thinking who prioritize supporting and collaborating in a team are more receptive to differing perspectives out of care for the workplace’s well-being and often serve as an integrator. Individuals that have Dominance thinking, on the other hand, aim to be goal-oriented and serve a producer in a team. They are motivated by competitiveness, authority, and power, and they value challenging themselves and others as well as acting quickly. People with Conscientiousness thinking operate as administrators in the workplace. Their focus is to ensure correctness, driven by possibilities to grow skill and knowledge. Finally, the Influence thinking kind of person prefers expressing passion, taking action, and receiving encouragement through social recognition. They are often an Entrepreneur in the business role.

Ms. Liao pointed out from her experience that a person’s DISC category can shift over time. There is no right or wrong to each kind of thinking and behavioral habits. She mentioned, as you advance in your career, you develop your area of expertise, which shapes or influences your behavior. Some questions were raised by participants during the session, such as, how did Fox Factory employ the psychometric assessment? When and how was the psychometric testing used throughout the hiring process? Was the DISC category mapped to the job function by Fox Factory, and if so, how? What is the format of the psychometric assessment report and how should it be interpreted? To answer the questions, Ms. Liao emphasised that DISC is not used in the hiring process in Fox Factory. It is more of a development tool. No certain forms of habits will be unfavored to today’s business. Each sort of habit has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses can allow you to create a better career development strategy for yourself.

The class enjoyed Ms. Liao’s lively and enthusiastic lecture and learned a lot from her practical knowledge. Overall, participants gave positive feedback and highly recommended this course after Ms. Liao’s lecture. They considered this sharing to be beneficial in understanding more about their own talents and flaws, which may be used for their personal improvement. Some love how interactive the lecture was, and the way Ms. Liao delivered her lecture was inspiring.