【職涯】5/20 奧地利就學就業線上說明會

國立中山大學管理學院職涯發展辦公室,很榮幸能邀請奧地利台北辦事處的處長Roland Rudorfer來分享關於在奧地利的學習資源、工作環境以及歐洲當地就業資源,同時,我們也邀請了兩位優秀的本院IBMBA校友Daniel Aschauer和 Sarah Chiang來分享他們在奧地利讀書及工作的經驗。

It is our honor to have the director of Austria Office Taipei, Mr. Roland Rudorfer shares his knowledge about the working environment, job & intern opportunities, and academics studies in Austria; at the same time, we also invited our two outstanding alumni from IBMBA, Mr. David Aschauer, and Ms. Sarah Chiang to share their experiences in studying and working in Austria.

-日期:5/20 週五

-Date:20 May, Friday
-Conduct:ZOOM (English)


【The purpose of the event】
We expect students to understand more about living in European countries and seeking job opportunities. Even though you are from different cultural background, you will know how to prepare before starting the job hunt and adjust your resume to fit the foreign company to achieve the goal of working abroad, a small milestone in your life.


【Who can join?】
 The students who are interested in working or having an internship abroad.
 The students who are ready to study abroad.
 The students who want to understand more about the ACT program or studying in Austria

*若有任何問題或建議,歡迎來信管院職涯發展辦公室 ocd@cm.nsysu.edu.tw
