【Student】IBMBAxUB Double Degree Student Harisatul Agustin has won The Best Paper Award at AASE Conference

Harisatul Agustin has enrolled our IBMBA since September 2019 and has been actively working on her research with Professor Yih Jeng, and her home university supervisor, Professor Suhadak, to develop this Best Paper Award research “The Construction of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Portfolio Investment and a Comparative Analysis of ESG Portfolio Performance on Indonesia Stock Indices.

Harisatul first thought to propose a topic related to The Impact of Corporate Governance, Financial Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility on Investor Decision Making in January 2020 and she appreciated Professor Yih Jeng guided her to execute a more empirical study related to the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Portfolio Investment. Choosing Indonesia as the object of the research with the Emerging Market background, we believe this research could be wreaked sustainability effort for investors and business players in Indonesia.

“I was on fire writing this paper owing that this is an obvious novelty to Indonesia” said Harisatul, she seemed find the research topic very passionate and devoted most of her time on it. And it paid off that she won The Best Paper Awards on the 24th of March! And later on, she discovered a pretty big Asset Manager called MSCI has launched the ESG Index for Indonesia on 31st of March, for sure this is the first ESG Index that publically launched so far. Although the methods they used are different from our research, it remains the potential to continue this valuable research.

“For me, this is a lesson learned that ideas could come up from whoever you met and wherever you were, but how the result would be depends on the efforts poured” said Harisatul.

Although the conference conduction was not totally gratifying due to the outbreaks of Covid-19, some agendas could not be implemented such as field trip, seminar, and gala dinner, it is still such a pleasure to meet many international scholars who came from different fields of schools and listen to the reviewer’s critics and suggestions also other participant’s questions in a ‘social and physical distancing’ periods.

It is surely an unforgettable and memorable conference experience for Harisatul and we Congratulates her again on earning The Best Paper Award!

Harisatul Agustin (right) has won The Best Paper Award at AASE Conference