中山管院新進教師人物專訪-國際學程Prof. Ko Young Jin



集團工作經驗豐富 幫助未來教學與研究

大學畢業後,老師開啟了充實「實務」經驗的10年,他前後在通用汽車(General Motors)、LG電子(LG Electronics)、三星(Samsung)和紐約理工大學(New York Institute of Technology, NYIT)任職,負責出口汽車零件給美國客戶的稅務;為公司被美國政府商務部提出的反傾銷訴訟辯護,降低美國所課的進口稅;研究中國IT市場,並向管理團隊報告,協助制定公司策略等工作,他也曾在NYIT授課。



第三個10年計畫從中山開始 提升研究效能發表頂級期刊


高老師的研究領域在於創新與創業(Innovation and Entrepreneurship)、企業併購(Merger and Acquisition)和策略人力資源管理(Strategic HRM)等,目前正進行的研究包括國營事業的併購競爭、途徑和表現等,以及比較台灣與韓國的經濟驅動(台灣是中小企業、韓國是大集團主導經濟市場)對國家創新與創業的衝擊和影響。


New Faculty Interview of College of Management: Professor Ko Young Jin


Professor Ko Young Jin, who is currently offering Entrepreneurship and HRM, Strategic management, Asia business environment, and IHRM courses in NSYSU, grew up in Seoul, Korea.

After working at several companies for over a decade, Professor Young decided to devote himself to education since it has always been his dream to be a researcher in academia.「學而致(智)遠,若披祥雲而觀(睹)青天,如登高山而望四海。」by Zhuang Zi is his family motto. “I never forgot this and never stopped learning even when I worked in the industry.” he says.

Professor Young shared with us his three stages of ten-year plan of life: Practical Working phase, Academic Training phase, and the Research phase. During the first 10 years, He worked in big MNEs such as General Motors, LG and Samsung. He exported car components, defended an anti-dumping lawsuit by the US Department of Commerce, and analyzed Chinese IT market. Also, he taught four courses in New York Institute of Technology before joining NSYSU.

The other 10 years is for academic training. Professor Young studied International Commerce in undergraduate and graduate school and earned his Ph.D. in Organization and Strategic Management from Peking University.

The next 10 years will be research periods, Professor Young aims to publish 20 journals in 10 years. Specifically, Young is targeting at least 2 top tier journals.

Professor Young’s research areas now are Innovation and Entrepreneurship, M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), and SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management).
To be specific, he is currently doing researches on SOE (State Owned Enterprise) in M&A. In addition, he is working on a project comparing start-ups in Taiwan and Korea in that the two countries have different social and economic structures. Small and medium-sized firms are the key driving economic force of the Taiwan, while Korean economy is dominated by a few big companies.

Speaking of NSYSU, Professor Young mentioned that he likes the research environment and the beautiful view here. The campus is right next to both the mountains and the beach, where he sometimes takes a stroll at.

中山管院新進教師專訪-國際學程高永鎮老師(Prof. Young)
Korean bluehouse
with David Lepak in IHRM
with Jaeyong Song in AOM
with John Delery in IHRM conference
Prof. Young gives student research advice enthusiastically.