
•時 間:105/05/20(五) 12:00~14:00
•地 點:管1023室
•講 者:樊景立(香港科技大學講座教授)
•講題:Leader Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior and Employee Unethical Conduct: A Moral Disengagement Perspective
•對 象:管院師生
•報名網址:http://goo.gl/forms/9Xlhz7uHCz (報名時間至05月19日(四)中午止)

講者介紹:樊景立講座教授是全球華人組織行為領域最主要學者之一,研究在頂級期刊如Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology等發表,並在數個期刊擔任主編或編審委員。個人網站:http://www.bm.ust.hk/mgmt/staff/mnlfarh.html

摘要:Unethical behavior in organizations has attracted increasing attention among researchers, yet we know little about when and why unethical behavior conducted by leader that is intended to benefit organization (UPB) would translate into employee unethical behavior. Drawing upon moral disengagement and social learning theoretical perspectives, we proposed that leader UPB reflects leader moral disengagement practices which are modeled by employees, especially among those with high power distance orientations; employee moral disengagement, in turn, frees employee to engage in unethical behavior. We found support for our theoretical model in a scenario experiment and a two-wave field survey study. We discussed theoretical and practical implications of our findings.