發行人:葉淑娟院長  出刊日期:2022-04-21
* 【中山大學管理學院】SDG提案競賽3/25登場
* 【EMBA】徒步環島助公益.一里一千愛地球
* 【國際學程-GHRM】Social Enterprise Proposal Competition 2021: Rosie from GHRM MBA Shares Her Special Experience
* 【國際學程-IBMBA】《Student Association》Land Ethics: Red Quinoa Harvest
* 管院用水用電情況

* 本期內容

# 【中山大學管理學院】SDG提案競賽3/25登場

聯合國於2015年提出「翻轉我們的世界:2030 年永續發展方針」(Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),並發佈了 17 項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, 簡稱 SDGs),指出全球面臨共同的問題。聯合國希望從「經濟成長」、「社會進步」、「環境保護」三大面向永續發展,希望各國合作、在2030年前實踐17項永續發展目標。為了讓管院學生學習如何在這樣的目標之下,發現待解決的問題,應用所學並研擬可行的計畫,為世界永續發展努力,國立中山大學管理學院永續與社會責任辦公室(Office of Responsibility and Sustainability Actions, ORSA)為此特於民國111年3月25日,舉辦本院首次的「SDG提案競賽」。


第一名的隊伍為「當管院永續時」,由企業管理學系碩士班一年級的劉威廷、陳虹諭、張簡珮安、游兆愷、楊淯丞同學組成,他們的提案是「『眠』薄之力」。他們觀察到每年暑假學生離開宿舍、要搬到外面租屋處時,床墊會直接被丟棄,僅有少數的床墊會被再次利用。但是,這些床墊真的不再具有可利用價值了嗎?於是他們針對床墊回收再利用提案,希望藉二手床墊租用的計畫,可以盡「眠」薄之力,落實SDG 12的責任消費及生產。評審們認為,這項提案的規畫完整,包含成本、預期收入、營運模式等都考慮周全,甚至是消費者在意的清潔及殺菌,該組都已構思如何增加消費者信心。而評審們從永續的角度出發,提醒該組若碩班畢業後,要如何繼續管理該項計畫、讓這個美意與經營模式可以繼續營運。


第二名的隊伍為「碳佐麻里,底家蛋哩」,由資管系大學部莊家綺、黃維寧、鐘閔祺、洪瑀軒、蔡秉祐同學組成,他們的提案是「管院 SDGs– 教育回饋計畫」。以SDG4優質教育為出發點,鼓勵大學生在修完校內課程後,自行組隊規劃課程內容,將所學到的知識以工作坊或營隊形式,教給其他人,例如:鼓山區的在地居民、國小學童、育幼院孩童等,達成「以課換課」的計畫,傳遞「教」與「學」的精神。評審們認為這樣的教學方式,立意良善,學生們將吸收到的知識轉換成自己的語言,再分享給在地居民及弱勢孩童,不僅能善盡大學社會責任,更能促成終生學習的目標。然而,該組同學要如何確保大學生吸收到的課程知識,可以有效輸出再傳遞給國小生或在地居民,以及如何確認大學生要提供的課程,是對方需要的知識內容,都必須再審慎評估。


最後一組進入決賽獲得佳作殊榮的隊伍為「Period」,由資訊管理學系碩士班一年級的何品萱與二年級的劉岱宜同學組成,他們的提案是「中小學月經去汙名化──互動式遊戲教育專案」。這組提案緣起為提案人注意到儘管國小時有受學校健康教育,但由於上一代的教育,有些女孩子仍認為月經、衛生棉是需要遮遮掩掩的。因而希望藉由這個提案,使對青春期的身體還相當陌生的小學高年級不分性別的學生,都能正視月經也是正常生理現象,並瞭解如何與之相處。為此,他們構思遊戲與教案,預計與國小健康教育老師合作,進行教學。評審委員們肯定該組同學的提案發想,但也建議他們思考透過遊戲設計,是否真的能達成去汙名化的目的?另外,是否已經有一些團體已有類似的構想且執行中,而提案的內容與其他團體的差異為何,這都是需要該組思考的。 參賽隊伍以SDG為出發點,觀察日常生活中遇到的問題,並提出可能的解決方案。希望透過此次的提案競賽,管院學生有機會能實踐這些提案,創造社會影響力!


( 管院 ORSA辦公室撰稿)

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# 【EMBA】徒步環島助公益.一里一千愛地球

依據世界經濟論壇的全球風險報告(WEF, 2018),全球面臨著持續擴大的貧富差距、國際間政治衝突、極端氣候事件、網路系統的脆弱度等多重面向的風險事件。在永續發展目標的5大價值原則中,也揭櫫全球正面臨鉅變之挑戰。由於新冠肺炎疫情的影響,以及對抗氣候變遷的急迫性,永續投資發展快速,僅僅承諾在2050年前達成淨零排放已不夠,2030年也已成為許多必要經濟改革的新目標。在聯合國 17 項永續發展目標中,中山管院EMBA致力於「尊嚴就業與經濟發展」與「促進目標實現的夥伴關係」等指標。本院以高階經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)學生、校友為主體、管院院長與EMBA執行長及辦公室團隊為輔組成的之社團法人高雄市中山陽光社會關懷協會為執行單位,未來也將積極協助或指導EMBA學長姐進行各相關活動。



發起人自身也履行每走一公里就捐出一千元的善舉,在活動開始就率先捐出90萬元給不同的慈善單位,希望能以自身拋磚引玉,吸引不論是個人或是團體,或者有無參與行腳者皆能捐款給全國各地的公益慈善團體。募款金額與單位是可由捐款者自行決定的而非由主辦單位指定,捐款者亦僅須提供單據,作為募款的總數目標統計。此舉是因為他的起心動念是希望能透過行腳活動讓更多不同的社福團體能因此受惠。在返回中山大學的當天捐款金額已逾1250萬,共有250筆捐款,超過60個公益慈善單位或個人因此受惠,當中亦有多筆是捐贈給近日連遭無情戰火延燒的烏克蘭,而EMBA龍耀宗學長也捐贈了照顧服務專車給那瑪夏區公所,讓部落長輩能透過交通車接送至山上設置的文化健康站(社區關懷據點)。由此足見受捐贈之單位不僅多且廣,亦邁向在全世界消除一切形式的貧困之SDG 1目標。


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# 【國際學程-GHRM】Social Enterprise Proposal Competition 2021: Rosie from GHRM MBA Shares Her Special Experience

At the 2021 Social Enterprise Proposal Competition organized by the Social Enterprise Development Research Center, GHRM MBA 2nd year student and former Vice President of International Student Association, Cao Huynh Hong Phan (Rosie, 高黄紅芬), along with her teammates Darian (陳天鵬), George (張傑志), Phuong (羅幸芳) from IBMBA and Rita (黃歆愉) (undergraduate student) shined bright by bagging the 3rd prize. Here’s how the event unfolded.

The Social Enterprise Proposal Competition allows students from across Taiwan to have a better understanding of the nature and meaning of a social enterprise. The competition revolved around seven themes which included the elderly and physical, mental disabilities, ecological environment, economy, local creation, education, culture and creativity, friendly technology, and others.

The proposal of our GHRM MBA team was grounded on the educational gap between rural and urban in Taiwan which has been widen in the recent years due to the government’s goal to become a bilingual nation by 2030. The most recent goal set by the Ministry of Education (MoE) is to have 60 percent of schools use only English in their English courses. The great goals are set with aggressive methods, but many of these programs and improvements don’t always get pushed out to the very rural communities. The education gap can be shown by the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students. 

Aiming to address the educational gap between rural and urban in Taiwan, the team‘s idea is to host school tour providing educational STEM activities that include entry-level programming languages, technology, and English instruction. A tour package includes us traveling to the site, qualified teachers, Makey Makey coding set, computers, and 50-minute lessons. Their desire is to operate school tours in both rural areas and cities, among public schools and private schools, constantly evolve and adapt the best tools that help children understand the basics of coding through English, and expand their STEM knowledge through play. 

Rosie was a student for the course Business Model Development and Practice of Social Enterprises taught by Professor Yih Jeng (鄭義) who is also the Director of the Social Enterprise Development and Research Center (社會企業發展研究中心). Professor Yih Jeng (鄭義) encouraged the students to participate in the event and also guided the students throughout the competition.

A distinct feature about the Social Enterprise Proposal Competition was that it not only incorporated lectures but workshops as well, providing participants with a hands-on experience. Lectures were presented on important career and life skill topics such as making a good proposal, business models in different countries, a QnA session, and a mock presentation. Workshops were also held on the 27th and 28th of November, 2021, which included field trips to AgriGaia-a social enterprise and Gourd Handicraft.

For Rosie, it wasn’t a matter of winning or losing as she was immensely grateful that she took the course Social Enterprise and got the opportunity to participate in the event. Through the competition, she acquired invaluable business knowledge from the guest lectures and also learned about the two business models in Taiwan--making organic and healthy drinks and gourd handicrafts. Through the course Social Enterprise, Rosie also learned about the Canvas Business Model for the first time and she also found the 6 Hats Model particularly interesting and practical for daily use.

Rosie comments that ‘teamwork’ is crucial for success whether in business or competitions. Luckily for her, she was surrounded by talented, cooperative, and hard-working team members. Rosie shares, “Luckily, I have a strong and wonderful team. Each person has his or her own strength. Darian has 10 years of experience in teaching and education. He is good at working with kids and using the Scratch Jr to do a prototype. George is a real entrepreneur who has so many connections and friends. Rita is an English tutor so she also has experience in teaching. Her presenting skills are great and smooth. Phuong is good at finance management.”

The competition was a ‘learning journey’ for Rosie. Through her classmates and her professor, she learned new things and acquired new skills. She also comments that every person has their own unique traits, characteristics, and talents which makes them special. According to Rosie, “A good team is the team that possesses good teamwork, not the team that is excellent.” GHRM MBA is proud of Rosie and her teammates for bagging the 3rd prize and most importantly for learning and growing from the Social Enterprise Proposal Competition. We are certain she will reach even greater heights in the near future.

Written by Limaonen Longkumer (Lima)

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# 【國際學程-IBMBA】《Student Association》Land Ethics: Red Quinoa Harvest

The Red Quinoa Harvest activity was held on the 23rd of February, 2022 in collaboration with the Student Association of International Programs and International Program Office. Last semester, students of the course IB520 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility planted red quinoa, a native Taiwanese species, neat the field of Sizihwan Art Gallery. As the crops matured, the students and professors harvested the crops. The event was organized with an aim to inculcate land ethics values in the students.

Profs. Chien-Yuan Sher, Yuh-Yuh Li, and Yi Lu, lecturers of the course Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, also attended. Prof. Sher, Director of the International Program, delivered the opening remarks. He noted that while the actions we take now may not provide immediate results, they will pay off in the long run. Planting is analogous to learning; with proper care and attention, it thrives; similarly, the effort and time we put in studies will be valuable and yield rewarding outcomes.

Prof. Li demonstrated how to harvest the plant and use the opportunity to encourage students to learn land ethics. Participants could gather all of the fruits they grew last semester with pairs of scissors. To collect red quinoa fruits, seventeen attendees were divided into three groups. Harvesting was completed in half an hour. The students were so happy to see that what they planted last semester had grown into full crops with beautiful leaves and whole fruits. The SA team had prepared healthy lunch boxes for all participants which was shared at the end of the event. The SA team's goal is to enrich students' lives while caring for each student's health.

The planting process enables students to connect with the land and the environment. They learned how to sow the red quinoa at first and took turns to water the plant. Through the plantation, they could get closer to the land they lived in and appreciate the power of nature. The term "land ethic" refers to an approach to land use issues that emphasizes conservation and respect for our natural environment. A land ethic opposes the belief that all-natural resources should be available for unrestricted human exploitation and instead advocates for land use that does not disrupt the complex, delicately balanced ecological systems of which humans are apart.

"On the harvest day, it was astonishing to see how beautiful red quinoa is. Previously, I only ate red quinoa products, not knowing what they looked like. The power of nature is magnificent, and it inspires me that ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’” (George Chang 張傑志, IBMBA 1st year student)

“This event inspired me a lot. As what Prof. Sher said, ‘planting is like studying; you will not see the results at first. With the endeavor devoted every day, we will see the fruitful results of our effort.’ I did not understand the purpose of planting red quinoa originally, yet I was willing to volunteer to water them. After three months, I saw the mature red quinoa fruit, and I realized that what I did paid off. Moreover, I also experience the superpower of nature. Once we respect and take good care of the land, it will reward us. Thanks to professors, the International Program office, and SA for organizing this event which moved me.”
(Angela Wu 吳含茵, IBMBA 1st year student)

Business ethics and social responsibility are critical for businesses. To succeed as a businessperson, we must learn to maximize earnings while also taking care of the environment and society. To accomplish corporate social responsibility (CSR), academic knowledge alone is insufficient; we must exercise autonomously and learn via experience. The International Program's mandatory subject Business Ethics and Social Responsibility focuses on CSR and ethics.

In the CSR section, lecturers discuss concepts and case studies and allow students to develop a commercially viable global challenge that will also benefit stakeholders of students’ potential business. The fundamental concepts of ethics are discussed, but the emphasis is on land ethics or humans' moral responsibility to the natural world. Work ethics and cases that students may encounter in the future in the workplace.

Written by Teresa Chan (詹鈞婷)

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# 管院用水用電情況






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